KEYNOTES: John 11:38 A barrier is a blocker, anything that hinders a person’s advancement. Lazarus was held back by barriers: His testimonies came alive after […]
KEYNOTES: 2nd Tim 2:13- There are so many prayers, but there is a specific prayer that heaven requires from every one of us if we […]
KEYNOTES: A man can inflict himself with rejections by his own actions. When rejection comes into a life, it leaves; a landmark, mental defeat, affects […]
KEYNOTES: The enemies have been asking questions just the way David was asked by his enemies in the book of 2nd Sam 5:8. Was there […]
KEYNOTES: God is a talent distributor and re-distributor. He has the capacity to give and to retrieve it. Are you accountable for your given talent? […]
KEYNOTES: God makes everything work out according to his own plan. There must be a fullness of time for anything to happen under the earth.