Your Story With The Almighty God


Every story told by man is always told in the past.
When God share stories, he doesn’t share stories from the past.

When God want to start a new/good thing in your life he starts with the present and not the past.

Gen 18:9-15 , 2Kings 8-5 When God want to start with a person, he starts the story.

Sarah laughed due to unbelief, it doesn’t stop God fulfilling his promise.

Prayer:The God that writes true stories shall write a story about you in Jesus name.

Your story cannot stop the manifestation of God’s promises (Sarah’s laughter after God’s spoken words couldn’t stop the birth of Isaac).
Every story that God says, that he will do.

What can hinder your new story?

1. Tradition – “This is how we normally do it”.
2. Emotions must be sidelined – “Why am I going through this?”
3. Past experiences – Past experiences can be terrible if considered.
4. Our nature must be worked upon.”
5. Work on the level of your knowledge.
6. You must connect with the Lord.

The first and last chapter of your life is not in the hands of any man, but God’s hands.

As you continue listening, be blessed in Jesus name.

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