The Called, The Chosen & The Faithful

Rev 17:14
God has called everyone of us and chosen us for certain tasks in this life.
No man is created without a course.

When called, you have the choice to either respond or not.
For every call from God, there is a vacuum to be filled.


Being called is not as important as being chosen.

The calling of God is sometimes attached to trials and sufferings. (Job)

When a man refused answering God’s call, that man can cause problems for others. (Jonah)

When called you are recognized by heaven, but not immune to human criticism.

The calling of God doesn’t envelope you from spiritual attacks. The higher the role, the higher the tasks, higher the likely attacks. 1st Kings 15:5, v11, Gen 26:5

When a man is called, trials will set in. Psalm 137:1-3.

Where have you hung the harp of your calling? The land and environment you find yourself is waiting for your calling to manifest.

May God bless you as you continue listening in Jesus name.

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