Col 3:1-13. What does it mean to partner?
Jesus himself gave us a model of partnering.
Jn 14:15-21 – As children of God, partnering as told by Jesus is necessary to fulfill destiny. A partnership can be for a season, an assignment, or the achievement of a particular goal.
Bible’s Stands on Partnership
Joshua 9 (They partnered with the people that had the covenant of God). It is not all partnerships that are profitable. Lev 26:8 The mystery of partnering dwells here. Matt 4:19, John 10-1-5, Luke 10:27 Jesus had all the anointing to execute, but he still employed the services of others (Partnership).
Fact: When you partner with God it is a win-win arrangement.
As you continue listening, may God himself explore a partnership path with you and yours in Jesus name.