He is the only one with unlimited names. Alpha and Omega inclusive. Dependability and accuracy is his name.
No matter the stories of your 2021 he is capable and able to change your story.
He did it for Rahab (He is a story changer (Rahab “the harlot” the mother of Boaz)
and he will do it for you in Jesus name.
David got a job without even applying or submitting a resume. God changed the history of David’s family. If he did not do it in 2021, hold onto him he can do yours in 2022.
“God allows man to walk out of your life and he walks in”
1 Sam 16:18 One person spoke about David, and it was enough to change his story.
Rev 21:5-7
Personal Prayer: Wonderful God locate me this year with your oneness this year in Jesus name.
Your background or your asset doesn’t matter when God wants to step in. He selected and delivered Abraham from his evil foundation.
God sought Abraham after 14 years to bless him. The same God shall locate you in 2022 in Jesus name.
Joseph was sold clothe-less but was found later in the garment of kings. It was executed by the same God.
Let the power of God that located the destiny of Joseph locate me this year in the name of Jesus.
Be blessed as you listen in Jesus name.