Gen 43:3, Mark 10:45, Rev 19:11-16, Exo 15:26. The God we serve is a God, A servant, a Father Isaiah 57:5 A physician he is, he is the lion as well as a lamb. That is the God we serve.
1 John 8 God of love. Hew 12:29 He is a consuming fire.
He can be something to some set of people and a different thing to others.
Daniel 7:9 Ancient of days yet lives in our generation. Deut 8:18, 2 Cor 8:9 He became poor.
1 Cor 10:26 Be still, God is still in charge. Job 2:6 I am still God.
Things may not be as rosy as you want now, but he is telling you to be still because he is still GOD.
As you continue listening may he continue to be God in your life and situation in Jesus name.