Mark 4:34
Psalm 141:9-10
God is able to deliver no matter how hard the battle. The battle did not assure us there won’t be the “wicked”
“A life devoid of challenge shall never know the level of its faith”.
The storm does not recognize faces, height, beauty, accent, etc.
Prayer: Every wicked storm that wants to stigmatize our life shall be destroyed today.
Storm can turn joy into acute sorrow and regrets. (Ruth)
When the storm hit Elija, he asked God to kill him.
There are storms that can push a man away from what heaven wants him to achieve.
Storms that make man doubt God’s existence.
What we can learn from Jesus’s statement/response in Mark 4.
* Jesus was fearless,
* He rebuked the storm,
* He carried authority,
* He addressed the issue head-on irrespective.
“If you have never walked in someone’s shoes, you will never understand what they going through”.