KEYNOTES: Isaiah 52:11 2nd Cor 6 1:18 Gen 12:1-3 Gen 13:1 As you listen be blessed in Jesus name.
As you listen, be blessed in Jesus name.
KEYNOTES: Eph 1:3 Blessings mean the good things that God has done for us. God’s gratitudes towards man. Counting blessings shows appreciation for the blessings […]
KEYNOTES: Col 3:1-13. What does it mean to partner? Jesus himself gave us a model of partnering. Jn 14:15-21 – As children of God, partnering […]
PUSH is an acronym that stands for Pray Until Something Happens. This Sunday is dedicated to prayers alone. God bless you as you pray along.
God saw something in the lives of today’s great men to have pointed them out of the lots. Prayer: O God that thing that you […]
KEYNOTES: Recap: to follow means to accept one’s paths. * Jesus was committed to his calling * Jesus empowered people: Matt 16-18-19 * Matt 10:16 […]
KEYNOTES: Luke 9:23-24 Following Jesus: What does it mean to follow: To copy somebody, to accept someone as a guide, as a leader, to go […]
KEYNOTES: Psalm 65:1 – 14 God can purge sins. God chooses men. God gives confidence to men God can send blessings to a land. Jer […]
KEYNOTES: Why Did Elisha need the God of Elijah? Elijah’s ministry stood out because he served a God that answered by fire 2nd Kings 2:11 […]